Let Earth Breathe
The Best Experience. The Best Connection.
Sound Bath Meditation Services
Public Group Session
Price: $35/Individual
Open to the Public
Private Group Session
Price: $50/ Individual
Minimum 5 Individuals
Private Individual Session
Price: $100/Individual
1-2 Individuals
Email to book an appointment: Veronica@LetEarthBreathe.com
What to Expect at a Sound Bath
Sounds heard at a Sound Bath
Public Group Session
Dates and Location are fixed and open to anyone who makes a reservation using the survey below. Use RSVP link below for an updated list of dates and times.
Need to Schedule a Sound Bath Meditation Session?
Private Group Session
Choosing the individuals who will join you for a private group session is a special experience. Private Group Sessions are available upon request via email. Prices are subject to change based on the amount of individuals in a group and location.
Redefine "Happy Hour" by choosing how you spend your time and with whom.
Friends Spa Hour
Birthday Sound Bath
Family & Friends Sound Bath
Nature Sound Bath
Private Individual Session
Sound journey meditation with healing helps to heal different energy centers in the body and it’s an easy way to meditate! You’ll lie down comfortably and listen to instruments during a guided meditation. Try it for fun, and let your unique experience speak for itself! Private Individual Sessions are available upon request via email.
Friends Date
Couples Date
Family Date
"You should have more people try this. I'm going to tell my sister-in-laws about this. They need help reducing their anxiety. I felt like I was at a beach in Cancun, Mexico. This was awesome. Thank you!"
"I've done sound baths before but this one was different, I felt like I wasn't even in this room. I felt so relaxed. I'm going to do this again."
" When you mentioned how to use the breath to remove any discomfort from my body during the sound meditation session. I felt it leave my body. But, this time I did not feel any feelings when it left my body. It just left. I have taken years of therapy and tried other things to get rid of trauma. This experience was something else. I'd like to book private session in the future. "