Let Earth Breathe

The Best Experience. The Best Connection.

Sound Meditation Services & Workshops for Businesses

Project & Business Based Workshops

Workshops are created according to the needs of the business and all stakeholders. Let Earth Breathe workshops are crafted to foster creativity, inner peace, and community building.

Meditative Drawing Workshop

This workshop was specially designed for the urban farm business setting, catering to both the individuals working in this unique environment and the participants it seeks to attract. 

Email to book an appointment: Veronica@LetEarthBreathe.com

Which options will you select to help your business thrive?

Know what your business needs? Let's book those services today!

Consultation Meeting

Let's have a conversation about your business to see what fits the needs of all stakeholders. Consultations are also available in addition to the sound meditation services above. Visiting your business and scheduling a meeting are options available for your convenience. 

2. Small Business: Spanish Professor, Editor and Argentine Catering Business